Sep 17, 2009

Prayers Answered

Nene had chemo # 3 Monday of this week, and finally got to see the nutritionist as well. The nutritionist recommended a different formula for her feeding tube and it doesn't make her sick!! Thanks for your faith filled praying and thanks to God for his faithful hearing!

Chris is still here and they are having a grand time. Today they went to Rotan...I guess to see Jeanine's Daddy's gravesite. Jeanine was kind of tired today and Dick said that she was kind of sick this evening....probably chemo effects. Hopefully those symptoms will pass quickly and she will have more good days to be with Chris.

And by the way got it....Walk #158 was the best walk ever!!!

More news as it happens....Jeanine's very thankful Journalist


  1. Anywhere you are Jeanine is a great place to be. We are still waiting for you back at the old work place. Love Francie

  2. I'll second what Francie said!!

