Sep 3, 2009

Jeanine is Right...God IS soooo with her!

Jeanine has had a rough couple of days due to severe illness from either her feedings or her chemo.....but she smiles from ear to ear and says "I am JUST FINE!" And she is better this evening after a couple of IVs today. She will get a couple more tomorrow...all this to prevent dehydration.

I will be out of pocket for a few days and don't know what kind of computer access I'll have, so hopefully Jeanine will get stronger so she can keep you posted on her progress.

However, I have to say THANK YOU!!! on her behalf. Your generosity to help them in financial ways has been overwhelming....not to mention the continuous prayer cover that they have had. Thank you every one from the bottom of MY heart....I can't imagine what your love must feel like to Dick and Jeanine!

In awe of the one who died for us....Jeanine's Journalist

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jeanine....We are in San Antonio but many of our thoughts are of you. Donna and i are playing around on the computer and Herb and Jack are watching tv. Just like at home :) Love you and hope you feel better!!! Nan and Donna
